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Gorgeous Christian Wedding at Paris France Temple

Updated: Apr 7, 2020

christian wedding photo
Melvin & Tense

In the City of Love and Romance, there are several ways in which you can get married. You may opt for a civil wedding, or you can also go for a traditional Christian wedding at Paris France Temple, a temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The latter was the choice of Melvin and Tense.

Melvin and Tense’s Christian Wedding

Melvin, from German, and Tense, from Thailand, met when they did a mission for the church. Since the couple is quite religious, they opted for a private Christian wedding in Paris. After the ceremony, we did a photoshoot in the garden of the temple. And although it was a gloomy day, it served as a fantastic backdrop for Melvin and Tense’s photo session. You can see how happy and excited they were as they mark the beginning of a new life that they will be sharing together.

When we were done with the session at the temple, we headed to Paris for another round of photoshoot. Here, the Eiffel Tower made a terrific background as the good-looking couple posed and just enjoyed the photoshoot.

As a Paris Wedding Photographer, I gazed in awe as I witnessed the wedding of this couple. Melvin and Tense’s union is another proof that no matter what your race is, and how much distance separates a man and a woman, love conquers all. And again, Paris seems to be the best place for people who wish to get married.

Christian Wedding Ceremony

Christians regard marriage as a meaningful ceremony. And since it is one of the Holy Sacraments that people receive, you can expect that a Christian wedding is very private. It also involves various symbolic elements such as the candles and wedding gown. The light candles represent the light of Jesus. The Christian wedding dress, which is mostly in white, is the symbol of purity. If you are also planning on having this type of wedding ceremony, you should let your photographer take snapshots of the said symbols. Exchange of rings and making the vows are two important part of a wedding ceremony. Of course, you wouldn’t want him to miss these most essential parts of the ceremony; Other parts of the wedding ceremony is the bride walking down the aisle, joining of right hands, the pronouncement of husband and wife, and finally ‘the kiss’ after that.

The Reception

A Christian wedding does not end at the church or temple. The celebration goes on at the reception just like any other wedding. And here, you can expect toasts, more wishes, dances, and also giving of gifts to the newly-weds. There are lots of precious moments that need to be captured by your wedding photographer, and I personally have already mastered the craft.

Why I Love Photographing Christian Weddings

Christian weddings require plenty of preparations, and I, as a professional photographer, do love taking candid photos of those. The rituals and the reception are also stunning that I just can’t let a single minute go by without clicking on my camera.

I do understand that the different elements involved during the ceremony are a reflection of your religious beliefs and family traditions; that is why I ensure that those are carefully and creatively photographed.

With this intimate celebration and one of the most meaningful occasions in your life, I can help capture every single moment of it in a style that your heart desires.


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