How he came up with a Surprise Marriage Proposal
One day, the team of Fevrier received a request from Robert to plan for his Paris proposal to Alisa, his one and only lover.
"Alex, I really want to make the most exclusive desire for my girlfriend in the city of love. I want to make her dream come true by asking her to be my wife in Paris". Robert said to our Paris Photographer.
Robert was nervous yet inconspicuously happy sharing with us his dream and it is even more memorable when they have to reach halfway around the world from Ecuador to Paris to make it happen. A big wow moment to keep forever after is a challenging yet promising requirement from couples that we are pleased to accompany with. Everything is coming up roses.
Prepare for a Surprise Marriage Proposal
We prepared for the big day by impeccable follow-up in advance with Robert with the urge to understand his needs and the instruction to set up our "sweet spot". The D-Day started at Trocadero with perfect cooperation between the team of Fevrier and the man communicating only by eye contact. Apart from the fog on a winter day, the Iron Lady stand quietly behind in its magnificence and glory when we were capturing their very first frame in the morning. After getting along with the team, our couple was led to a special location for the one of the best Eiffel Tower Proposal.
How does a Surprise Marriage Proposal happen?
Left the anxiety behind, Robert went down on his knee, slowly took the diamond ring from his pocket, and started his speech in front of her. Alisa cannot suppress her surprise and stunned silence. A lifetime moment to celebrate after all was captured successfully when she finally said "YES, I DO" and held Robert into her arm with occasional happy tears. A big congrats to Robert, you did it!
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