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ULTIMATE GUIDE [Update 2020]

No one is the same; each person has different body shapes, different faces, different heights, or weight. So to have a perfect post for all is impossible. However, by mastering the principles and practicing some females poses regularly, you will become confident during your photoshoot. This article is not just for photographers but for anyone who wants to practice or learn female poses. 

Tranditional Pose


1. Showing the curves: yes, the curves are essential factors to create attraction in female poses.

2. Emotions Through The Eyes: A beautiful photo needs a connection with the viewer, and eyes are the best means of doing so. Have a connection through the eyes

3. Shoulder, Jawlines, and Neck: These are three parts that play an essential role in having beautiful females pose because they contain women's hidden beauty.

4. Look into the proportion: size is not as important as the proportion. The parts closer to the camera will look more significant than the rest.

5. Bend and Curve: Straight lines usually will create a bit more stagnant than curves. Hence, If it bends, bend it. If it curves, curve it. That way, you will get an elegant pose.


 Female Fashionable Lips Poses

In photos, lips have a significant effect on the expression of the images. While a smile is the most popular and easy way to pose your lips, having a fashion looking pose is necessary to make your photos look different. Here is how you do that: just close your lips and then lightly blow through your lips for making perfect parted lips. 

Walking Poses

Female Upper Body Poses

We will start first with Half body poses for women. The technique is simple and easy to do while do you don't have many things to remember. 

01. Show me your side pose

To do this pose, first, you chose your favorite side. I know most of the ladies know which side they want to show more in the photos. Then turn your side to the camera. Please remember to show what you want to show, curve what to have a curve. You have a beautiful jaw; show it. Don't forget to push up your button a little bit. For the hands, naturally, touch fingers to fingers.


03. The two hands-on head pose

Instead of putting your hands on head, you can use your hands to play with your hairs to bring some motion in the photos. 


05. Cross over body pose

Cross over is an improvement of cross arms pose above. Now you can turn your body facing the camera again. While keeping on hand cross over your body, you can raise the other hand and pay with your hair. Try to put your weight on one foot and put the other foot on your tiptoe; this gesture will show more curves in the photos. 


07. Looking back pose

It's time to show your back and sexy shoulder. Keep crossing your arms then turn around to show your back to the camera. A shirt that shows your shoulder is handy for this pose. You can communicate with the viewer by looking directly at the camera or looking faraway.


02. The two hands-on head pose

It's time to show your sexy parts. First, try to put two hands down and relax. The put both of your hands on head to do the pose. Turning your body a little to one side will make your body look slimmer, for sure. Pro tips: To make this pose to the next level, creating a fashion looked expression on your face.   


04. Cross arms pose

This pose is quite similar to "show me your side pose." First, you turn your body to show your favorite side. Then cross your arms. To make the photos more attractive, feminine, you can lift one shoulder slightly to cover your chin. To show the curve, you just have to straight your back and turn to push your bottom up a little bit.


06. Hands in the pocket pose

This female pose is quite casual; you can use it as a lifestyle pose. This pose is beneficial when you don't know what to do with your hands. If you wear a jean or a dress with pockets, you can put your hands in pocket. Just one tip, to make it look more feminine, just let your thumb out of the pocket and bend your arm a little bit.


08. Holding hair pose

Kissing Pose

Are you ready for a portrait session in Paris? Don't forget to ask Février Photography .


One of the essential parts of the standing pose for a female is to make the model look taller, and the legs look longer. Besides chose a suitable focal lens, having the right angels for the photos, here are some practical pose which you can do right away.


Principle of standing pose

Number 1: stand opposite the camera, and then turn your body 45 degrees to show your favorite side.

Number 2: putting your weight in on foot to set the other one free for the next following exciting poses.

Number 3: set up your upper body pose

01. Lift one-foot pose

This pose is an exciting female pose for you. While putting weigh to one of your foods, trying to lift the other one. The pose will be more appealing; instead of facing the camera, you should turn aside slightly.


03. Walking Pose

You even don't have to walk to do this female pose.

  • Step 1: set up your facial expression.

  • Step 2: do your favorite upper body pose; you can relax and free both hands or cross arms over your body, etc.

  • Step 3: Turn your body 45 degrees to the camera, show your side.

  • Step 4: Pretend walking a step forward. If you are wearing an airy dress, try to step pretty fast to move to the dress.


05. The influencer Pose

This pose looks simple, but it's useful to show your style. Firstly, you raise your hands and touch fingers naturally. Then you turn your body to one side a little bit. For the lower body, just put your weigh on the other foot to the camera, then put the other foot closer to the camera, on your tiptoe to raise your knee. This pose is an interesting pose to show your curve.


02. On your tiptoe pose

This pose will make you look taller. First, you turn you back to the camera and put one foot back on your tiptoe. Then turn your upper body around to see the camera. Don't forget to straighten your legs to make them look longer. You can keep your hands free or raise one hand to touch your head to make the pose look more dynamic.


04. It's the weekend pose

Yeah, it's weekend, woohoo. This one is the lifting one foot pose with two hands up in the sky. This pose is an amusing pose to practice. 


06. Hand swiping hair pose

To achieve this female pose, first, you should stand facing the camera. Then you set your weight on one leg while straight the other and point the tiptoe out to make your leg look longer. There are many options to make the upper body pose. You can relax one hand, put it down, and place your forearm near your hip. On the other hand, you can put it on your waist or your head or cross over your body. Try to make your continuos actions to make your pose look more candid.


Don't forget to check our our new completed guide for couple poses here.

Cute Poses


This part is for close up portrait photography. For the headshot pose, we will consider the favorite side of your face, the position of your chin: upper or lower, Your lips, how your eyes communicate with the viewer, your hairs, and using your hands in for headshot poses. There are 03 steps for headshot pose:


- Step 1: set up your facial expression by posing your lips and eyes.

- Step 2: Using hands, shoulder, or arms to interact with your head to make a cute pose.

- Step 3: Change the chin position, or turn face side to show your beauty and hide your weakness.


Let's continue to explore the following female headshot poses.

01. Elevated Mind Pose

Simple; you just have to look straight to the camera, express your feeling through your eyes, lips, and put your hands in your hairs.


03. One hand on face pose

For this pose, first, you should put your hair to one side to show more your favorite face side. Next step, you want to rais up one hand and naturally put your fingers on your lower cheek.


05. Neck teasing poes


02. Thinking pose

Yes, it says what it looks like. You put your one or two fingers on your lower lip while relaxing other fingers. You can have two different expressions with this pose. If you keep your chin up and look diagonally to one side, the pose seems more skeptical. If you keep your chin down and look down, the pose seems a little bit shy.


One hand against pose

This pose is famous in fashion posing. You just put your hand against one of your temples while looking to one side to drive the viewer


06. Look through your shoulder pose

Sitting Poses


Its time has brought some movement to the photos with the following exciting poses.

01. Throw hair to the side pose

Your hairs are one of the most potent "weapon" you can use for a movement pose. Let through the hair to one side!


03. The twirl pose

The twirl pose is trendy for the couple, but you can do it in your solo photoshoot. Let's do a twirl. Tips for doing this pose is to set your face expression before you do the pose.


02. Throw dress pose

To do this pose and make your photos to the next level, you need to wear a maxi dress, an open place with the wind. While making a walking or standing pose, you hold the hem of your dress and throw in into one side.


04. Turn the head pose

Move your head from one side to the other. You should make a move fast to add great movement to the photos. Don't forget to do your upper body first; you can put your hand in your pock ket or let them down naturally.



This part is exciting.  There is no limitation for creativity; you can free yourself to show your style and communicate effectively with the viewer. Let have some female fashion poses now.

01. Stand straight pose



02. Run Away fashion pose



03. Kick pose



04. â€‹Jump Pose

This pose is a creative and fun pose for fashion. The combination of face express, upper, and lower body poses for a fashion pose.  Let pretend to take a walk or a jump forward and looking back as someone behind is calling you. 
Tips: before making a jump or walk, it's better to set up your facial expression and upper body pose. 


05. â€‹Rest Arms on head pose

This pose is a different little bit from the other "Hands on the head" poses. You want to create a more appealing pose for fashion pose to show the fashion style, clothes, and other accessories. 
To do this pose, first, you need to make a proper stand. You should stand up straight and tall, and keep your feet about shoulder-width apart.
Then you let your hands rest on your head naturally and open your two elbows enough to show your face. Don't forget to pull your shoulders back a little bit and tuck your stomach in.  You can capture different angles for this pose, and the tips still show what you what to show and hide what you want to hide.


07. â€‹Falling Poes



06. â€‹Opposite direction Poses

This pose is a creative and fun pose for fashion. The combination of face express, upper, and lower body poses for a fashion pose.  Let pretend to take a walk or a jump forward and looking back as someone behind is calling you. 
Tips: before making a jump or walk, it's better to set up your facial expression and upper body pose. 


08. â€‹Hair falling pose


Maternit Couple Poses


 If you are looking for female sitting poses for your blog or next photoshoot, this part is for yyyou. Let have some inspration to have a perfect female pose. 

01. Sit on chair pose

Just like female standing poses, the principle of sitting pose is that you try to turn 45 degrees to the camera to make the pose look more natural. Choose for yourself a chair with a moderate height, this real female pose, you stretch one leg, bend one leg and sit comfortably against theside of the chair.


02. Open legs, feet together pose

With this sitting female pose, you will sit down on the ground, put your feets together and open your legs.


03. Half squat pose

This pose is a very interesting female pose that can add dynamism to your photos.


04. Sitting on leg pose

To do this pose, sit on your legs and put your hands between your legs. Don't forget to create more connection with the viewers through your eyes and face posing.


05. Leg up Arm Prop pose


06. Hangover pose

Same-sex couple

Finally, you’re here. Feel free to share this post and comment on how we can improve female poses.

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